6 Mar, 2024 - 13 min read
Data Fabric

Generative AI In Data Platforms: Crafting Synthetic Data

Discover how Generative AI revolutionizes data platforms, boosting analytics and strategic decisions in Dview's latest insights.
Shreyas B
Shreyas B
Senior Data Engineer

Generative AI stands at the forefront of a technological revolution, transforming the landscape of modern data platforms. This innovative branch of artificial intelligence focuses on creating new, synthetic forms of data that can range from text to imagery, and even audio. Its significance is particularly pronounced in the realm of data lakehouses, which aids in the generation of synthetic data, while enhancing data privacy and testing scenarios. By simulating real-world data, Generative AI enables organizations to bypass some of the common constraints associated with data scarcity and complexity. As we delve into the applications of Generative AI, we'll explore how it not only complements but also amplifies the functionalities of data lakehouses, setting a new paradigm in the data-driven decision-making process.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI encompasses a range of artificial intelligence technologies designed to create new content. It has the capability to autonomously generate text, craft imagery, compose audio, and produce synthetic data. This form of AI learns from extensive datasets to produce original content that closely resembles the input it was trained on.

Evolution of Content Creation

The journey of Generative AI began with simple chatbots in the 1960s, such as ELIZA, which could simulate basic human conversations. Since then, the field has grown in complexity, especially with the advent of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and transformer models.

Breakthroughs with GANs and Transformers

GANs, a breakthrough in 2014, involve two neural networks that work in tandem—one to generate content and the other to evaluate its authenticity—thereby enhancing the quality of the generated outputs. Transformer models, emerging in 2017, have revolutionized text generation. Models like GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) have shown an impressive ability to produce text that is remarkably human-like. These innovations have significantly advanced the capabilities of Generative AI, pushing the boundaries of automated creativity and setting the stage for a future where AI-generated content become increasingly indistinguishable from that created by humans.

The Rise of Data Lakehouse AI

A data lakehouse represents a novel architectural paradigm, merging the best of data lakes and data warehouses. It offers the expansive storage capabilities of a lake, with the structured querying and transactional features of a warehouse with data that could be structured, semi-structured or unstructured. This fusion is becoming increasingly relevant in the AI ecosystem, as it supports the diverse data types and processing workloads required for advanced analytics and AI operations dealing in vast and complex data sets.

Generative AI in Data Platforms

Generative AI is finding its place within data lakehouse platforms, where it serves potentially as a pivotal technology. It enhances these platforms by generating synthetic datasets that are invaluable for training machine learning models without compromising on privacy or data governance. This integration allows for the creation of rich, diverse, and scalable datasets that can mimic real-world complexity, enabling more robust AI training and testing. By incorporating Generative AI, data lakehouses are not just storage repositories; they become dynamic environments where data can be synthesized, modeled, and analyzed. This synergy is setting a new standard for what's possible in data platforms, paving the way for more innovative and sophisticated AI applications.

Enhancing Conversations and Summaries

A key feature of Dview's Generative AI integration is the development of sophisticated conversational agents capable of generating human-like text. These agents are designed to understand context, draw on extensive knowledge bases, and provide conversational summaries that can transform how users interact with data. This feature aims to streamline decision-making processes, making complex data more meaningful to users.

Tackling the Challenges of Training AI Models

The deployment of Generative AI, particularly when it involves training large language models (LLMs), presents a unique set of challenges. LLMs require vast amounts of data and substantial computational power to learn effectively. Dview addresses these challenges by investing in specialized infrastructure to support the heavy demands of LLM training. This includes high-performance computing resources and advanced algorithms that can efficiently process and learn from the data.

The Need for Specialized Infrastructure

The complexity of training Generative AI models necessitates a robust and specialized infrastructure. Dview recognizes this need and is proactively developing a system that can handle the intensive workloads of Generative AI. This infrastructure goes beyond raw computing power; it's about creating an environment for secure, ethical AI model training with necessary oversight to align with the company's standards and values while upholding the gold standard in data security and governance. Through these initiatives, Dview is setting the stage for a future where Generative AI becomes a cornerstone of data platforms, offering unprecedented levels of interaction and insight generation.

The Power of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) are advanced Generative AI systems that process and generate human-like text. LLMs are trained on vast datasets, learning from the myriad nuances of human language to produce coherent, contextually relevant content. Their size, often encompassing billions of parameters, allows them to capture a deep understanding of language patterns and intricacies.

LLMs in Generative AI

The significance of LLMs in Generative AI lies in their versatility and power. They go beyond being text generators; they empower the creation of engaging narratives, answering complex questions and even generating programming code. Beyond text, some LLMs are paired with other AI models to produce photorealistic images or compose music, expanding their creative capabilities.

From Text to Imagery

Tools like Dall-E exemplify the creative potential of LLMs. Dall-E can generate images from textual descriptions, creating everything from mundane objects to fantastic scenes that have never been seen before. This capability is groundbreaking for fields such as graphic design and advertising, where visual content can be synthesized on-demand, and tailored to specific textual prompts. The power of LLMs is transforming the landscape of content creation, enabling machines to perform tasks that were once solely the domain of human creativity. As these models continue to evolve, their potential applications across various industries seem almost limitless, heralding a new era of AI-driven innovation.

Practical Applications and Use Cases of Generative AI

Generative AI is revolutionizing industries by enabling the creation of new, synthetic forms of data and content. From enhancing customer interactions to automating complex creative processes, its applications are as diverse as they are transformative.

Leveraging Generative AI in Business

Generative AI has the power to revolutionize various fields, such as software development and pharmaceuticals. For instance, it can accelerate coding tasks by writing and debugging code, easing the burden on human programmers. Moreover, in the pharmaceutical industry, Generative AI plays a crucial role in predicting molecular behavior to design new drugs swiftly, significantly expediting the drug discovery process.

Product Development and Supply Chain Transformation

Generative AI also plays a pivotal role in product design and development, allowing for rapid prototyping and simulation. It can predict product performance under various conditions, enabling designers to iterate and improve products quickly. In supply chain management, Generative AI can forecast demand, optimize logistics, and even predict maintenance for machinery, leading to more efficient and resilient operations.

Diverse Use Cases

According to a TechTarget article, the use cases for Generative AI are diverse and impactful. Chatbots powered by Generative AI are providing more nuanced and helpful customer service. In the entertainment industry, Generative AI is used for creating deepfakes and dubbing movies in different languages, maintaining lip synchronization and emotional intonations. These applications illustrate just a fraction of the potential that Generative AI holds, signaling a transformative shift in how businesses interact with data and serve their customers.

Challenges and Concerns of Generative AI

As Generative AI reshapes the frontier of what's possible, it also brings to light significant challenges and ethical concerns. Issues of accuracy, bias, and misuse loom large, necessitating a careful balance between innovation and responsibility.

Navigating Accuracy and Bias

Generative AI, while innovative, grapples with issues of accuracy and inherent biases. The adage "garbage in, garbage out" holds true; AI models can only be as unbiased as the data they're trained on. Continuous efforts are required to ensure the accuracy of generated content and the neutrality of AI systems as biases in training data can lead to skewed outputs perpetuating stereotypes or inaccuracies.

The Ethical Implications of Misuse

The potential misuse of Generative AI technologies, such as the creation of deepfakes, is a growing concern. Deepfakes, which are synthetic media where a person's likeness is replaced with someone else's, raise serious ethical questions. They can be used to create false narratives, manipulate opinions, and spread misinformation, posing significant risks to individuals and the society at large. Addressing these ethical concerns is crucial to ensure responsible development and deployment of Generative AI technologies.

Cybersecurity Threats

Generative AI also introduces new vectors for cybersecurity threats. The ability to generate convincing phishing emails or create realistic audio and video impersonations can lead to sophisticated scams and security breaches. As such, there is an urgent need for robust security measures and ethical guidelines to govern the use of Generative AI and mitigate its risks.

The Future of Generative AI in Data Platforms

The integration of Generative AI into data platforms like Lakehouse is poised to revolutionize data analytics and decision-making processes. As AI models advance, platforms will evolve to create, simulate, and offer unprecedented insights alongside managing data. The predictive capabilities of Generative AI will allow businesses to model potential outcomes and make data-driven decisions with greater confidence. Furthermore, as these technologies mature, we can expect them to become standard features within data platforms, enhancing their ability to generate actionable intelligence and drive innovation. The future of data platforms is one where Generative AI plays a central role in shaping business strategies and outcomes.


Generative AI is all set to rapidly become the backbone of modern data platforms, providing the tools to not only analyze but also synthesize data in ways that were previously unimaginable. Its transformative power lies in its ability to enhance creativity, automate complex processes, and deliver deeper insights, positioning it as a critical asset for any forward-thinking business strategy. As this technology continues to evolve, it promises to unlock new possibilities and redefine the landscape of data-driven decision-making.